Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm in Guatemala!!!!

Hola mi family linda. 

Sorry, there is no enter button so this is going
to be a run on email. I have a surprise for you mama, I get to call on
mother´s day! Sweet, huh? But here are the details. You have to call
me at 230 Guatemala time (which I´m pretty sure is the same as Utah)
on SATURDAY. I will have a cellphone for a half hour and if you miss
this time, we will miss our chance to talk. The area code is 00502 and
the number is 3149-3972 . So I´m super excited! I also have Pday (Preparation day) on
Saturday morning from 8 -12 so you can expect a letter around
then......I had a pretty good flight from Salt Lake to LA. The flight
from LA to Guatemala was crazy. I wasn´t able to sleep very well but
got a little bit of sleep. When the pilot said we're about to land in
Guatemala City, I freaked out because my first thought was IM IN THE
SAME COUNTRY AS BEN. So far I love the CCM (This is the name of the Missionary 
training center in Guatemala). The food is delicious but
the portions are large and they get offended if you don't eat all of
it so I hope I dont gain too much weight! I have 1 latina roommate and
Sister Hardinger from Oahu, Hawaii is my companion. I love her so I'm
happy about it although I will miss Sister Manning with me all the
time. We will get 4 new latina roommates tomorrow or Friday.

 I had a really cool missionary experience at the LAX airport! I was eating at
McDonalds with Hermana Manning and there was this man that looked
hispanic sitting close to us that kept looking over and smiling. In a
nice way, not a creepy way. I kept feeling like I should talk to him
but was hesitant. Spencer Dean wrote me some advice and said, DONT
EVER BE AFRAID AS A MISSIONARY. So I remembered it and went to talk to
him. He is from Guatemala and Hermana manning and I talked to him for
almost an hour and at the end I gave him a pamphlet on the Plan of
Salvation. He was very grateful.  Please just send me emails family 
because it takes dear elders about 2 weeks to get here. Friends, you
 can still send dear elders .

 love you alll!!!!
Hermana Pearson

 NOTICE: This email message is for the sole use of the intende

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