Christmas in February? Why not?

Hey family,
So this was one of the best weeks I have had in my mission. I have seen so many miracles---personal and in the lives of others.
1.My Christmas packages came! So I know this one isnt so spiritual but I know that you parents, Brother Ben, and the Little Miami Relief Society would be happy to know that all the packages arrived. I had a lovely Christmas morning at 930 at night. Loved the creativity and the letters were so special. More thanks to come.
2. Well I dont know if I have told you but its been difficult to be with Hermana Ascencio. She is pretty socially awkward and seems to think that she knows everything and wants to lead the companionship and not be humble to learn anything. So this has been really hard for me and I have had a lot of pride in not wanting to be her friend but just try to work with her and focus on the people and not on our companionship. Well, as you know the love needs to start with the companionship. In our changes conference when President was speaking it was really nagging at me that I havent been loving her like I should and I realized I have been focusing more on her weaknesses than her strengths. The first part of the conference I was so frustrated because I didnt want to give in and act on the revelation I have been receiving lately in how I should treat her. In the second half I received 2 or 3 strong impressions from the spirit in how I should act and decided to actually act and make some changes I should have made weeks ago. I have such a testimony that the atonement changes our nature. While I am not BFFs with my comp. I have learned to love her and continue to love her more. All of this would not be possible without personal revelation and accepting the Saviors call to love and not judge. Im so grateful for this change and miracle in this change.
3. Claudia and Javier and Cesar and Yelva got baptized. So they were all supposed to get married and baptized at 5 on Saturday but plans changed a little bit. On Saturday we got up and went out to buy the cakes, decorations and set everything up. Cesar had just arrived from work at 10 in the morning (he had been traveling in the mountains all week). When we arrived at 3 to get Yelva ready, Cesar said that he wasnt ready that day but that we could do it the next day. We were frustrated because it has fallen through so many times but we set up to have the marriage at 7 in the morning and the baptism at 8 so they could get confirmed in sacrament meeting. Then we ran to Claudia and Javiers to straighten Claudias hair (first time in her life) and go with them to the church. They were ready because they are super pilas (ask ben what that means) and we got ready in no time. We got to the church and there were about 28 people there including a lot of her family to support her and a couple of members from Javiers family. They have such love and respect for each other and there was a special spirit at the marriage. Of course, they were shy to kiss each other and to feed the first piece of cake to each other they just dipped their fingers in the frosting to give that (dad would approve). We then were all going to walk to the baptism minus the older people who were going to go in taxi. But Elder Mich decided it would be better to flag downa giant truck and have everyone hop in the back (dont worry ddad its nicaragua and it wasnt even that far) and pay them bout 4 dollars. It was an adventure. There was such a special spirit at the baptism and Javier even shared his testimony. He has dropped his vices in such little time to follow the Savior and it has been amazing to see such humility. His family has been telling him its way to fast to get baptized but he knew it was the right thing to do and he had tears in his eyes when he spoke. He is such a humble man and trying to learn fast despite his inability to read. I love Claudia and Javier so much and they are already talking about how next year they have a goal to go to the temple.
The next morning at 7 Cesar and Yelba got married and baptzed. Yelba has waited since Decvember for this and I was so happy to witness it. I doubted for some time there that I would actually see this day but it really was a miracle and Im glad I could be part of it. When both of these couples were confirmed in church I felt so much joy and am so grateful for both of these families. Javier even payed his tithing after sacrament meeting. Miracles really do happen and people change when they are obedient and experience the love of Christ in their lives.
I sure love all of you and hope you have a great week.Thanks for all your love and support.
H. Anne Pearson
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