Right now are teaching Francisca and Santos and Marta and Mauricio. Francisca and Santos have a baptismal date for Aug. 4th but are having some challenges with Franciscas health right now. Pray that all will be well. They are keeping their committments of reading the Book of Mormon and attended stake conference in Managua with us the morning after the night we met them. Marta and Mauricio are the parents of 5 children. We are trying to teach Mauricio the importance of attending church but it is difficult because he works in a Finca which is basically a piece of farmland.
In stake conference last week one of the leaders spoke about how the members of Nicaragua have been promised a temple. He promised that if the members can show the Lord they are ready for a temple by attending church, magnifying callings, and keeping the commandments, they will be blessed with one. Isnt it interesting that so many times we wonder why we dont have certain blessings when all we have to do is keep the commandment tied to that blessing and the blessing will be ours? Or course we need to remember that we receive these blessings on the Lords time, but if we keep our part, He will always keep His. I know as the church continues to grow here in Nicaragua and be faithful, a temple will be built here.
Sometimes I get frustrated here and feel inadequate with my abilities to help people come to church and follow through with their committments. But then I think of the Savior and how hard it was for him in his earthly ministry. He was rejected all the time and tried to help people see the blessings that could be theirs. This work is so important. Despite the rejection, we need to go forward with FAITH and believe that we have the power to be instruments in the Lords hands.
Some random thoughts: Grandma will be very happy to know that David Archuleta is serving in my zone. Well, not really, but he looks just like him and is from Utah. Tracting here has been difficult lately because its a party every day here celebrating with Saint James. He did something (dont know what). Fireworks and "bombs" go off at 4 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, or 6 at night, anytime! We see horses dancing in the streets all the time. And I never thought horses could dance until I came to Nagarote. Try youtubing it. Maybe youll find something.
Remember the movie Lloyd? Remember the little girl that loves ketchup? I think that little girl was from Nicaragua because everyone here LOVES ketchup. Ketchup on pizza, ketchup in a Cup o Noodles, ketchup on crackers or drinking ketchup from a packet, anything goes with ketchup.
Well I need to run, but I love you all!